Meet Mela

Mela's story is an uplifting tale of resilience, joy, and the power of community support. Living with Down syndrome, Mela has faced and overcome numerous challenges, thanks to her indomitable spirit.

At Reliance, Mela is more than just a member; she is a source of inspiration, radiating happiness and touching the lives of everyone she meets. Her journey illustrates the importance of focusing on abilities rather than disabilities, and her life is a testament to the positive impact one individual can have. Mela's story is a celebration of human potential and a reminder of the beauty and joy that can flourish with love and support

Our Services

  • Personalised Care Assistance

    Our trained staff is here to assist with daily personal care routines, including bathing, dressing, grooming, and mobility support. We prioritise your or your loved one's comfort and dignity while ensuring their safety

  • Medication Management

    We provide medication management services to ensure that you or your loved ones take their prescribed medications correctly and on time. Our caregivers are vigilant and responsible, guaranteeing medication adherence.

  • 24/7 Care

    Our home caring service is 24/7, providing peace of mind that assistance and care are accessible whenever needed. We are here to respond to emergencies and provide support around the clock.


  • Reliance Disability Care provides its services across Sydney, catering to a wide range of suburbs within the city. We are dedicated to ensuring that our clients in these areas receive prompt and reliable care tailored to their individual needs.

  • We understand that each individual's needs are unique. Therefore, we offer a personalised approach to care. Our initial assessment allows us to understand the specific requirements of each client, enabling us to tailor our services, whether it's personal care, assistance with daily activities, or specialised support. We regularly review and adapt our services to ensure they continue to meet the evolving needs of our clients.

  • Our carers are highly qualified and experienced professionals. They undergo rigorous selection and training processes to ensure they meet our high standards. This includes background checks, professional training in disability care, and ongoing education to stay updated with the latest care practices. We ensure that our staff are not only skilled but also compassionate and dedicated to providing the best care.

  • Arranging services with us is straightforward. You can contact us via phone, email, or through our website to initiate the process. We will then arrange a consultation to discuss your needs and preferences in detail. Following this, we will develop a personalised care plan and schedule our services at times that are most convenient for you.

Who We Are

We are a dedicated provider of home caring services for individuals with disabilities. With a mission to enhance lives and promote independence, we offer personalised care plans that prioritise the well-being and dignity of those we serve. Our experienced and caring team is committed to delivering high-quality services tailored to the unique needs and aspirations of each individual. At Reliance, we believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to live a life filled with purpose and happiness, regardless of their challenges. Join us in our journey towards a more inclusive and fulfilling future. At Reliance, we are more than caregivers; we are advocates, allies, and a supportive family, dedicated to empowering the individuals in our care.


Our Mission

Reliance is committed to setting the standard for excellence in home-based disability support in Sydney. Our mission is to enrich the lives of those we serve by fostering an environment of holistic care, innovative solutions, and unwavering support. We believe in the potential of each individual and are dedicated to helping them achieve their fullest life experience. Our approach combines expertise, empathy, and a deep commitment to community integration, ensuring that every person we care for receives not just physical support, but also the emotional and social enrichment they deserve. Our goal is to be more than a service provider – we aim to be a lifeline, a partner, and a champion for the rights and joys of living a fulfilled life with disability.

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